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Little Sun



SunKing Range


Solataa Home Light System


Solar Street & Security Lights


Solataa seeks to empower people. We work to deliver solutions such as solar lights, that can create savings from the displacement of kerosene. Saving Ksh 10 per day adds up to hundreds of shillings creating a safety net of money for those who live under the poverty line.


We also work in creating a network of rural micro-entrepreneurs who can earn a little bit extra by setting up a "green shop" in addition to carrying out their normal livelivelihood activtities. These entrepreneurs, mainly women, educate their villages on the beenfits of solar lanterns, sell them and provide after sales services.


Solataa actively seeks grassroot partners with similar mindsets, whose goal is to empower people. If you feel you would like to partner with us, are inetertested in supporting micro-entrepreneurs or even set-up your own green business, contact us at


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