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Little Sun Projects


Here are some projects Little Sun has been involved in around the world.

Coachella Festival
Indio, USA

In April 2014, Little Sun spent a wonderful two weekends in the California desert sun! At the famous Coachella music festival, Little Sun partnered with Absolut to bring festivalgoers a unique interactive experience that raised awareness about solar energy access for all – the #AbsolutLittleSun Bar!

Roskilde Festival
Roskilde, Denmark

Little Sun solar lamps were on sale at Denmark’s famous Roskilde Festival (29 June–7 July 2013), a massive weeklong music and culture event that is one of the biggest festivals in Europe.

Art Basel Miami Beach

Little Sun, the solar lamp and global project, was presented by theFondation Beyeler at Art Basel Miami Beach from 5–8 December 2013. The Fondation Beyeler’s entire booth at the art fair was devoted to Little Sun. 

Official Launch in Senegal

From 28 February–30 March 2013, Raw Material Company in Dakar, Senegal presented Suñu Jant, an exhibition featuring 16 Little Sun short films and photographs documenting the project. Suñu Jant is a Wolof phrase meaning “our sun”

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